Subject: Re: default built kernels and com4
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: D. Jay Newman <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/13/1994 10:57:51
> > For those of us with mach32 based cards, the com4 support makes the default
> > kernels useless.
> why?  I don't have a mach32-based card, and am not going to buy one to
> find out why they don't work with kernels w/com4...
> chris

Does it really matter why it doesn't work?  The quickest workaround is
to create a generic kernel without support for com4.

Yes, I agree that in the long term I'd like to find out why it fails, but
the fact that I can't use a generic kernel weights more on my mind than
support for com4 (something that I don't need at all, let alone in a
generic kernel).

If it is impossible to leave com4 support out of gernic kernels (because
some people need it merely to recompile a new kernel for some reason), then
perhaps a new generic kernel could be made without the com4 support (OK,
two new generic kernels).  I don't like this solution, because it makes
making a binary snapshot more difficult, and hence slightly less likely.

I do have a mach32-based card, and would be glad to volunteer to test
things on my system; unfortunately I'm not a kernel hacker, so I don't
feel confident in trying to track this down on my own.
D. Jay Newman           ! I'm now on the World Wide Web.  To see more             ! about me (and trade MtG cards), check out URL !


	id AA29669; Wed, 13 Apr 1994 11:06:02 -0400