Subject: BT+BarracudaII+ED0 = Problems
To: None <>
From: Scott Knaffla <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/11/1994 21:03:55
I am running the latest sources (as of 4/11) and the latest boot block.  I
have a BusLogic BT-747S and a Seagate Barracuda II (2.1Gb) and a SMC Elite
16C Ultra, the MB is the AMI Enterprise IV DX50, 16Mb.

When I try to get my machine up on the network with 'ifconfig ed0'
it continuously displays error messages:  'NIC: Corrupted Memory, 0 packet length'

A friend of mine has the exact same setup except he has a Seagate ST-3610N
(525Mb) HD, and his system works fine.

When I boot off floppy the ifconfig works (The same kernel is on the floppy
and the HD)

	Any Ideas?


  - Scott
