Subject: Re: Using Term for sup
To: Space Case <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- Iowa State University <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/03/1994 22:04:35
>A short while ago, someone (sorry, I forgot to save the header) wrote:
>>Either setup a SLIP or a PPP link, or if that is unfeasible, get "term",
>>a user-mode point-to-point package-oriented communication program. It can
>>be found somewhere in the pub/OS/Linux hierarchy on, the
>>name ought to be term112.tar.gz or similar. Compile it on both systems,
>>set up a term connection as per the documentation, and then as root at home:
>>tredir 871
>(The latest version is 114, BTW.)
>I'm trying to do this, but not having much luck. I have term working --
>linecheck reports no errors either direction, and I am able to set up a
>term link and trsh into it. However when I do the tredir and try to sup,
>I get:
># tredir 871
>Redirecting 871 to
># sup -s
>SUP 8.26 (4.3 BSD) for system software at Apr 3 12:28:51
>SUP: Can't connect to server for supfilesrv: No route to host
>Obviously, I'm missing. The question is: what?? (I would try a route add,
>but I haven't the vaguest notion of how to make it run through term.)
>I'm running NetBSD/Mac, current as of 19 March 1994.
>Steven R. Allen -
I have this working now. (Thanks to the gentleman from sweden who
kept me trying til I got it right). First, make sure you tredir as
root with the same TERMDIR. I tried doing tredir with a setuid root
copy of tredir, and although it bound to the port ok, it wouldn't
complete the connection.
Next, it's "tredir 871" -- don't forget
the port on the remote end. Next, make sure your supfile is looking
to sup from localhost, not sun-lamp. If you get all that working, you
should be in "SUPper shape"! (sorry :-)
Michael L. VanLoon Iowa State University Computation Center Project Vincent Systems Staff
Free your mind and your machine -- NetBSD free Un*x for PC/Mac/Amiga/etc.