Subject: Re: Version numbers of shared libraries
To: None <>
From: Randy Terbush <sierra!randy>
List: current-users
Date: 03/21/1994 07:32:00
Stephen J. Roznowski writes:
 > > > My understanding of the numbers are that the
 > > > major number should be incremented when the functionality of
 > > > the library changes (i.e. new functions added/deleted), while
 > > > the minor number should be incremented when bugs are fixed.
 > > 
 > > this is true, give or take.  i think the minor number should
 > > be incremented only when *major* bugs are fixed.  Otherwise,
 > > you end up with too many random library versions hanging around.
 > Agreed. (but see above)

Things are changing too fast to be incrementing minor numbers.  The
problems created by incrementing the number are far greater than the
(non-existant) problems I have seen by not changing the number.
