Subject: Re: Shared libraries and crypt
To: None <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- Iowa State University <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/17/1994 22:15:26
>David Burren writes:
> > Danny Thomas <> has reminded me about something:
> >
> > Has anyone else given any thought to the pros and cons of having crypt in
> > a shared library? I'm starting to think the disadvantages outweigh the
> > advantages.
>The advantages are that when I forget to copy crypt.c into the compile
>dir, I only have to compile and install libcrypt to be back in
The disadvantage is that if someone on your box can coax any security
hole to write something over your shared libcrypt or to write
something into that area of memory, everything on your box is suddenly
compromised. Crypt should not be shared.
Michael L. VanLoon Iowa State University Computation Center Project Vincent Systems Staff
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