Subject: Re: keyboard doesn't work with current kernel
To: None <>
From: Brian Moore <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/08/1994 00:08:17
I had this problem also with the Feb 26 sources.  The solution I found was to
just keep hiting the Caps Lock key during the probe sequence of the boot.
Right before the fsck of the disks it probes the keyboard ( the line says
something like 'impmask 4fe blah blah' or something like that ).  When the
console is probed first, it disables my keyboard.  Then when it probes the
keyboard, if I'm hitting a key, the keyboard will come back to life.  I use the
Caps Lock because I can see the light come back on.  I had this same problem
with 386BSD 0.1, and this was the 'solution'.  It went away with NetBSD 0.9,
but came back with the latest sources.  An annoying problem, but not critical.
I assumed thisproblem was known, but I just joined the group after the
discussion.  Oh yeah, I have the same exact machine as you, and I was told that
this is a screwy problem with the AnyKey keyboard.

Brian Moore
will come back to life during 
