Subject: /kern/root/
To: None <>
From: Jeff Kreska <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/04/1994 16:50:53
I tryed to do a full backup of my hard drive lastnight.  I executed "tar cv"
and I watched the list of files as they were backed up.  I noticed that
/kern/root/ is ?? to /.  Its not a soft link.  I don't know what it is but it
causes tar to do is recurse indefinatley. ie /kern/root/kern/root ...  I tryed
rm -fr root from /kern.  It didn't do anything.  

I'm stumped. Is this a feature or a bug. (What's the difference?)

Any suggestions are welcome.


|Jeff Kreska                                                    |
|Motorola, Inc.                Phone:              817-232-6019 |
|5555 North Beach Street       Fax:                817-232-6580 |
|Fort Worth, Texas  76137-2794                                  |
