Subject: Re: *** FingerD ***
To: None <>
From: Tobias Weingartner <weingart@austin.BrandonU.CA>
List: current-users
Date: 03/01/1994 11:47:15
You write:

# > One nice feature of the fingerd here is that individual users are allowed
# > to specify if they want to allow their account to be fingered by creating
# > a .fallow file in their directory.  By default, all remote finger requests
# > are refused.
# That sounds like an excellent idea!  But maybe the default should be to allow
# finger connections unless there is a ".fdeny" in the users home directory...
# And does this work for local users as well?  Ie: Is it in the finger command,
# or in the fingerd daemon?  What does everyone else think?

Hmm, my finger/fingerd recognize a ~/.fingerrc, which I would consider
a little more "standard" than making *ANOTHER* .something file, which
seems totally unrelated to what it is controlling.

Note, this .fingerrc can control other things you wish to be known about
you.  My finger/fingerd (not finished yet), will execute a ~/.fingerrc
if it exists, and do the "normal" thang if it does not.  The output of
the ~/.fingerrc is displayed back to the fingeree...

There are ways to pass arguments to the ~/.fingerrc.  A finger looking


Would pass "argument" into stdin of ~/.fingerrc.

Once I am convinced that this is "secure", I'll post the sources...

| Tobias Weingartner  |    PGP2.x Public Key available at       |
|   (204)725-3342     |  'finger weingart@austin.BrandonU.CA'   |
| %SYSTEM-F-ANARCHISM, the operating system has been overthrown |
