Subject: Re: kern/134: MULTICAST keeps X from running
To: None <>
From: Randy Terbush <sierra!randy>
List: current-users
Date: 02/28/1994 07:08:00
Randy Terbush writes:
 > : This slowing is not my imagination.  I am including a copy of the
 > : config I am using.  I am seeing this slowing when attempting to
 > : connect to this machine via ftp, pop-3, and nntp.  It has also taken
 > : ~4 hours! to print a single page on the printer.
 > : 
 > : If I boot from the kernel that did not have the multicast stuff
 > : compiled in by default (and did not have it configed), the slowing is gone.
 > : 
 > : Everything has been recompiled. I am currently running libraries, and
 > : binaries compiled from the 2-26 tar_files.

Herb Peyerl writes:
 > Is the printer local that you are experiencing problems with or is 
 > it via remote lpd? 

The printer is to a local lpd.

 > This whole thing seems highly suspicious of a named problem.
 > It just seems highly wierd that no one else has reported this problem. I'm
 > not discounting the fact that you're having problems.  I just honestly 
 > can't see the multicast stuff being the source of the problem. It may be
 > aggravating the problem in some wierd way though.

The slowing goes away if I boot from an old kernel....  No
configuration changes.....

 > : options		ASYNC_NFS

This is a simple one line patch that I have added to turn off
syncronous NFS writes.

Randy Terbush
UUCP: netcomsv!dsndata!randy

---- "It's all the same f*cking day, man!" ---- Janis Joplin ----
