Subject: setsid(2) bug
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/24/1994 11:24:04
Setsid(2) does not void the controlling terminal association of the
current process.
% cat foo.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
if (open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR) != -1)
printf("open worked!\n");
% cc foo.c
% a.out
open worked!
Here's the SunOS description:
If the calling process is not a process group leader, the
setsid() function creates a new session. The calling pro-
cess is the session leader of this new session, the pro-
cess group leader of a new process group, and has no con-
trolling terminal. If the process had a controlling ter-
minal, setsid() breaks the association between the process
and that controlling terminal. The process group ID of
the calling process is set equal to the process ID of the
calling process. The calling process is the only process
in the new process group and the only process in the new
I am not sure about the following patch, but I guess it should work
(I am compiling a kernel right now...)
*** kern_prot.c.orig Sun Jan 23 05:38:17 1994
--- kern/kern_prot.c Thu Feb 24 11:16:51 1994
*** 190,195 ****
--- 190,196 ----
if (p->p_pgid == p->p_pid || pgfind(p->p_pid)) {
return (EPERM);
} else {
+ p->p_flag &= ~SCTTY;
enterpgrp(p, p->p_pid, 1);
*retval = p->p_pid;
return (0);
For 4.4BSD SCTTY should be changed to P_CONTROLT.