To: None <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/22/1994 10:30:32
I have been attaching a terminal to com1 of my 486DX2 system with some
success. Unfortunately, if I log in with even parity, one stop bit, and 7
data bits, the system switches to no parity and 7 data bits when I run vi,
more, or anything else that demans any terminal capabilities from the
terminal. If I do:
%stty cs8 -parenb
manually, then all works fine.
Does anyone know, off the top of their heads, which magic numbers I
neet to tweak with in the /etc/gettytab file to get 8n1 operation through
the serial ports and, even more important, how to get it to behave
uniformly throughout my session without my intervention from the command