Subject: MCD Probing Fixes
To: None <>
From: Holger Veit <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/20/1994 20:15:14
The following code undoes the weird method of accessing the mcd drive
during probing, and replaces it by a less critical method (by using
functions that were already in the code for this purpose. Also corrects
code that cannot work (like 'if (check='M')'). This is a temporary fix,
I search for a better solution.
*** tmp/mcd.c Fri Feb 18 09:37:32 1994
--- mcd.c Fri Feb 18 09:52:10 1994
*** 2,7 ****
--- 2,8 ----
* Copyright 1993 by Holger Veit (data part)
* Copyright 1993 by Brian Moore (audio part)
* CHANGES Copyright 1993 Gary Clark II (
+ * (in the meantime CHANGES undone, because all were bogus)
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
*** 150,155 ****
--- 151,157 ----
int mcdioctl(dev_t dev, int cmd, caddr_t addr, int flags, struct proc *p);
int mcdsize(dev_t dev);
static void mcd_done(struct mcd_mbx *mbx);
+ static int mcd_getreply(int unit,int dly);
static void mcd_start(int unit);
static int mcd_getdisklabel(int unit);
static void mcd_configure(struct mcd_data *cd);
*** 308,317 ****
/*MCD_TRACE("strategy: buf=0x%lx, unit=%ld, block#=%ld bcount=%ld\n",
if (unit >= NMCD || bp->b_blkno < 0) {
printf("mcdstrategy: unit = %d, blkno = %d, bcount = %d\n",
unit, bp->b_blkno, bp->b_bcount);
! pg("mcd: mcdstratregy failure");
bp->b_error = EINVAL;
bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
goto bad;
--- 310,321 ----
/*MCD_TRACE("strategy: buf=0x%lx, unit=%ld, block#=%ld bcount=%ld\n",
if (unit >= NMCD || bp->b_blkno < 0) {
+ #ifdef DEBUG
printf("mcdstrategy: unit = %d, blkno = %d, bcount = %d\n",
unit, bp->b_blkno, bp->b_bcount);
! printf("mcd: mcdstratregy failure");
bp->b_error = EINVAL;
+ #endif
bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
goto bad;
*** 546,551 ****
--- 550,556 ----
/* check if there is a cdrom */
/* Heavly hacked by */
+ /* ^^^^^^ infact, that was it */
int mcd_probe(struct isa_device *dev)
*** 566,626 ****
/* send a reset */
! outb(port+MCD_FLAGS,0);
/* get any pending status and throw away...*/
for (i=10; i != 0; i--) {
! inb(port+MCD_DATA);
! outb(port+MCD_DATA,MCD_CMDGETSTAT); /* Send get status command */
! /* Loop looking for avail of status */
! /* XXX May have to increase for fast machinces */
! for (i = 1000; i != 0; i--) {
! if ((inb(port+MCD_FLAGS) & 0xF ) == STATUS_AVAIL) {
! break;
! }
! DELAY(10);
! }
! /* get status */
! if (i == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("Mitsumi drive NOT detected\n");
! return 0;
* The following code uses the 0xDC command, it returns a M from the
! * second byte and a number in the third. Does anyone know what the
! * number is for? Better yet, how about someone thats REAL good in
! * i80x86 asm looking at the Dos driver... Most of this info came
! * from a friend of mine spending a whole weekend.....
! */
DELAY (2000);
! for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
! if ((inb(port+MCD_FLAGS) & 0xF) == STATUS_AVAIL)
! break;
! }
! if (i > 100000) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("Mitsumi drive error\n");
return 0;
! DELAY (40000);
! st = inb(port+MCD_DATA);
! DELAY (500);
! check = inb(port+MCD_DATA);
! DELAY (500);
! junk = inb(port+MCD_DATA); /* What is byte used for?!?!? */
! if (check = 'M') {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Mitsumi drive detected\n");
--- 571,628 ----
/* send a reset */
! outb(port+mcd_reset,0);
/* get any pending status and throw away...*/
for (i=10; i != 0; i--) {
! inb(port+mcd_status);
! outb(port+mcd_command,MCD_CMDGETSTAT); /* Send get status command */
! i = mcd_getreply(unit,DELAY_GETREPLY);
! if (i < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("Mitsumi drive NOT detected\n");
! return 0;
* The following code uses the 0xDC command, it returns a M from the
! * second byte and a number in the third.
! * (I hope you have the right drive for that, most drives don't do!)
! * Whole code entirely rewriten by, the changes accessed
! * the drive in an illegal way. Proper way is to use the timeout
! * driven routines mcd_getreply etc. rather than arbitrary delays.
! */
DELAY (2000);
! outb(port+mcd_command,MCD_CMDCONTINFO);
! i = mcd_getreply(unit,DELAY_GETREPLY);
! if (i < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("Mitsumi drive error\n");
return 0;
! st = mcd_getreply(unit,DELAY_GETREPLY);
! if (st<0) return 0;
! check = mcd_getreply(unit,DELAY_GETREPLY);
! if (st<0) return 0;
! /* flush junk */
! mcd_getreply(unit,DELAY_GETREPLY);
! /* the following is code which is not guaranteed to work
! * for all drives, because the meaning of the expected 'M' is not
! * clear (M_itsumi is an obvious assumption, but I don't
! * trust that). Also, the original hack had a bogus condition
! * that always returned true.
! */
! #ifdef notdef
! if (check == 'M') {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Mitsumi drive detected\n");
*** 630,635 ****
--- 632,639 ----
printf("Mitsumi drive error\n");
return 0;
+ #endif
+ return 4;
static int mcd_waitrdy(int port,int dly)
*** tmp/mcdreg.h Fri Feb 18 09:37:34 1994
--- mcdreg.h Fri Feb 18 09:36:12 1994
*** 81,92 ****
#define STATUS_AVAIL 0xb
#define DATA_AVAIL 0xf
- /* ports */
- #define MCD_DATA 0
- #define MCD_FLAGS 1
- #define MCD_DONT_KNOW 2 /* What are these two ports for??? */
- #define CHANNEL 3
/* Status bits */
#define MCD_ST_DOOROPEN 0x80
#define MCD_ST_DSKIN 0x40
--- 81,86 ----
Dr. Holger Veit | INTERNET:
| | / GMD-SET German National Research | Phone: (+49) 2241 14 2448
|__| / Center for Computer Science | Fax: (+49) 2241 14 2342
| | / Schloss Birlinghoven | Had a nightmare yesterday:
| |/ 53754 St. Augustin, Germany | My system started up with
| ... Booting vmunix.el ...