Subject: xntpd problems
To: None <>
From: Tomas Tengling <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/20/1994 22:24:11
I have problems with xntpd on a PC with NetBSD-current. I've got
xntp from othersrc at sun-lampand have tried it on several versions
of NetBSD-current (up to Feb 18) but never managed to get xntpd to work.
It doesn't seem to recognize the incoming packets.
The other parts of xntp, like ntpdate, seems to work without problems.
Anyone who has a working xntpd?
Chalmers | Tomas Tengling | Email:
University | Gibraltargatan 84-431 | Memo: VOL.VD.TOMAS
of | S-412 79 Gothenburg, Sweden |
Technology | Phone: +46 31 163853 | Fidonet: 2:203/125