Subject: Re: misc/101: 'make clean' doesn't remove formatted (*.0) man pages
To: Burgess, David (TSgt) ~U <BurgessD@J64.STRATCOM.AF.MIL>
From: Chris G. Demetriou <cgd@nobozo.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 01/26/1994 18:55:45
> I find that the 'sup' update that tries to delete directories does not know 
> about the obj directory.  THat makes the 'sup' directory delete fail, 
> because the directory is not empty.

since the same thing happens with CVS, for example, in /usr/src on
sun-lamp, i consider this to be a "known and not unexpected" bug...

of course, CVS doesn't whine about it...

