Subject: Ed0 fixed - now raprd help...
To: None <>
From: Peter Galbavy <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/24/1994 23:58:57
Right, my last problem with a panic when doing ifconfig ed0 has
been fixed by the timely swap of the ethernet card. So I have an
Ethernet now :-)

I plugged in a 3com Isolan (Retix) remote bridge, which does rarp's
when there is no IP number configured. So I thought I would play
with /etc/ethers and get raprd going. Pause here for a delay and
raprd not working as expected...  After looking in the rarpd.c
file, I found that a reply is only sent iff the server can act as
a boot server.

I *can* see the sense in this BTW, but the Sun behaviour I was used
to just replied to all rarp requests, and this alowed things to
pick up the IP number, even if they didn't need to boot from the
rarp server (like the bridge I am using).

Any chance of either (a) changing the behaviour, or (b) adding a
flag to say answer all request that you can ?

PS In case anyone wants to know, this is all due to the nice men
(maybe women ?) from the phone company are installing my line
tomorrow.  ftp/http/cpu to rent for nothing :-)

Peter Galbavy				e-mail:
Wonderland				  work:

	  "And you will know exactly who you are, forever,
		by knowing what it is that you love."
