Subject: minor mod to compat/sunos/sun_misc.c and a kernfs question
To: None <>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/22/1994 04:31:33 (Niklas Hallqvist) noted on
list that the following change should be made to /sys/compat/sunos/sun_misc.c.
Otherwise, kernels apparently won't compile without "options NFSSERVER".

*** sun_misc.c.orig	Fri Jan 21 13:57:28 1994
--- sun_misc.c	Fri Jan 21 13:57:31 1994
*** 732,737 ****
--- 732,739 ----
  struct sun_nfssvc_args {
  	int	fd;
+ #ifdef NFSSERVER
  sun_nfssvc(p, uap, retval)
  	struct proc *p;
  	struct sun_nfssvc_args *uap;
*** 757,762 ****
--- 759,765 ----
  	return nfssvc(p, &outuap, retval);
+ #endif
  struct sun_ustat {
  	daddr_t	f_tfree;	/* total free */


Also, what happened to '..' in kernfs? '/kern/..' gets me back to root, but
it doesn't show up in directory listings. (Not a problem really, it's
just disturbing to see a directory with no parent! Even '/' has a '..'
entry, after all...). This is with a few-days-old -current. Appologies if
this has been fixed.

Ty Sarna                 "As you know, Joel, children have always looked        up to cowboys as role models. And vice versa."
