To: None <,>
From: Marc Wandschneider <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/14/1994 08:48:25
| From: "Dennis D. Sherod" <netmail!>
| IMHO, decisions like this should take into consideration of who the
enemy is...
| Windows/NT. With that in mind, I think perl would be a good place to
start to
i do -not- use netbsd because i am looking to foster some sort
of alternative to windows nt [which is probably a good thing, seeing
as where i work :-)]. i use netbsd because.
- i like unix a bunch.
- i don't want to have to pay 150,000$ a week for some other version.
- i like having the source code lying around so that i can fiddle
and hack at things i've always to understand.
this 'my os is better than yours' stuff grows quite tiresome. if one
wants to start babbling marketing tripe, then one would very quickly
realize that these are -entirely- different markets---i don't see any
corporations dumping windows nt with sql server for netbsd and the
gnu wumpus database system [or whatever] at any point in the next
five years.
| make things better, but I don't think it goes far enough. I'd
suggest to all
| the O/S development groups out there, including NetBSD, that X should
be part
| of the base system along with tcl/tk for administration duties. It would be
| nice to see a second-stage bootstrap initialization that came up in some tk
| application to get the rest set up on a machine.
the neat thing about the netbsd base os is that it is just that---the
base operating system. if you would like to put together a distribution
of netbsd that includes all these other things that you would like
to see, then feel free to do so. i'm sure there would be a heck of a
lot of people out there who would be interested in seeing such a beast.
| The *free* O/S products should be there to foster *new* development and O/S
| environment ideas, and I suggest that this is a worthwhile activity.
i agree completely here. however, this does not mean that the
base operating system should have to come with every known scripting
language, windowing system, and utility under the sun to make
system administration easier.
marc 'em.