Subject: Re: gdb 4.11 anyone ?
To: Bernd Wiserner <>
From: robert ellsworth <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/11/1994 19:21:01
> Does somebody have a gdb 4.11 running with current ?
> If so does it work with shared libs ?

    I am not running -current, but for the distribution 0.9, gdb 4.11 only
worked with executables that were created with the convention for making 0.8 
compatible binaries.  As for shared libs.. I don't know.. maybe someone else 
can enlighten us.. 

> thanks
> B.Wiserner
Robert Ellsworth

* Robert Ellsworth - Undergraduate Studies of Computer Science @ UNL  (402) *
*  - 3865 Holdrege, Lincoln NE 68503                464-5758*
* "A Rose by any other name, is still a Rose not in Baseball" - Bill Cosby  *
*									    *
* "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...  Wait!! What was  *
*  it???  Best?? or Worst???" - Norm, from Cheers            		    *

"Helllllooooo Nurse!" - Animaniacs
"I don't know.. Spin the Cap!!" - Ice
