Subject: Re: Swap space reclaimation ?
To: Peter Galbavy <>
From: Peter Galbavy <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/07/1993 21:05:53
in reply to me:
> Device 512-blocks Used Available Capacity
> /dev/sd0b 84480 82792 1688 98%
> /dev/wd0b 0 *** not available for swapping ***
OK I lied slightly, now that sup has finished the output is:
Device 512-blocks Used Available Capacity
/dev/sd0b 84480 78344 6136 93%
/dev/wd0b 0 *** not available for swapping ***
So I may be just paranoid after all... more swap needed. sigh.
Peter Galbavy e-mail:
Wonderland work:
"And you will know exactly who you are, forever,
by knowing what it is that you love."