Subject: Re: frequent kernel panicing
To: Michael L. VanLoon -- Iowa State University <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/19/1993 13:53:14
>Are you still running your 0.9 kernel?  I was having the same problem
>trying to get current libs to build.  Someone suggested using a
>current kernel, so I built a new kernel.  My system has never been so
>stable since.  I've 2-3 builds going simultaneously for the last 36
>hours, non-stop, and the machine hasn't even paused to take a breath.
>I've never had this kind of stability even with the "normal" version
>releases.  Obviously someone is doing something right.  Thanks guys
>for a job well done!

Must be nice...  Junkbox (MFM wd0 drive) is giving me fits with a new
kernel...  vm_fault's all the time, and ed0 is getting ``device timeouts''


Michael Graff    Iowa State University Computation Center      Project Vincent
215 Durham                voice: (515) 294-4994 
Ames, IA  50011           fax:   (515) 294-1717           gg.mlg@isumvs.bitnet
