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Renewed data formats


I've finished renewing the parsers and documenting the different data formats used in ATF. This is still not completely ready as the code needs some cleanups (as always) and it is lacking a lot of unit tests, but the major goal for 0.2 is almost done.

I'm pasting below the new manual page that details the contents of the different data formats. It may still be too sketchy but should have enough information to give you an idea of how they are.

Should you have any suggestion for it, feel free to raise it. Otherwise these formats will stay as they are now until there is a real need to change them in the future (to lessen gratuitous incompatibilities).

Thank you!

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ATF-FORMATS(5)              BSD File Formats Manual             ATF-FORMATS(5)

     atf-formats -- machine-parseable data formats used by ATF

This manual page describes the multiple data formats used in ATF. These formats affect configuration files, control files and any data that is
     externalized or internalized by the tools.

     Data files are always organized as follows:

           Header1: Value1            \
               ...                    | head
           HeaderN: ValueN            /
                                      mandatory blank line
           Free-form text contents    \
               ...                    | body
               ...                    /

A file must always contain a `Content-Type' header and must always sepa- rate that header from the body with a blank line, even if the body is

     The `Content-Type' is always of the form:

           Content-Type: application/X-atf-<subtype>; version="<version>"

where `subtype' indicates the specific file format and `version' its for-
     mat version.  This header must be the first one of the file.

The main purpose of the `Content-Type' header, aside from determining the format used in the file, is to allow future changes to a given format. Whenever an incompatible change is made, the version is bumped by one. By keeping the header in the first line, future versions may even remove the need for such a header -- e.g. if some format was replaced by XML
     files, which have their own mandatory header.

     The rest of this document details the different format types.

   Format: application/X-atf-atffile, version: 1
     Atffiles are logically divided into three sections:

Test programs: the list of test programs that define the test suite
         described by the Atffile.

Meta-data properties: these define some constant values applicable to
         all the test programs defined in the file.  In some sense they define
         the properties that describe the test suite.

Configuration variables: defaults for configuration variables that
         can be overridden through configuration files or the command line.

     The grammar for Atffiles is the following:

           DATA ::= ( ( CONF | PROP | TP )? COMMENT? NEWLINE )* EOF
           CONF ::= 'conf:' STRING EQUAL STRING
           PROP ::= 'prop:' STRING EQUAL STRING
           TP ::= TPFILE | TPGLOB
           TPFILE ::= 'tp: ' STRING
           TPGLOB ::= 'tp-glob: ' STRING

     The meaning of the constructions above is:

     CONF      Definition of a configuration variable.

     PROP      Definition of a meta-data property.

TPFILE Addition of a test program into the test suite. The string is
               taken literally as the program's name, and this program must

TPGLOB Addition of multiple test programs into the test suite. The
               string is taken as a glob pattern, which may have or not have
               any matches in the current directory.

     An example:

           prop: test-suite = utilities

           conf: unprivileged-user = nobody

           tp: t_cp
           tp: t_mv
           tp: t_df
           tp-glob: t_dir_*

   Format: application/X-atf-config, version: 1
Configuration files are very simple: they only contain a list of variable
     name/variable value pairs.  Their grammar is:

           DATA ::= ( VAR? COMMENT? NEWLINE )* EOF
           COMMENT ::= HASH STRING

     An example:

           # This is the system-wide configuration file for ATF.
           # The above and this line are comments placed on their own line.

           var1 = this is a variable value
           var2 = this is another one      # Optional comment at the end.

   Format: application/X-atf-tcs, version: 1
The `application/X-atf-tcs' format is used to describe the results of a collection of test cases; in other words, it represents the output of a test program. Unfortunately, it is not easy to control, from inside a test program, what it prints to both its standard output and standard error streams. This is specially the case of test programs written in the POSIX shell language, because they are constantly executing external tools that may print unexpected messages at all times. Due to this, ATF imposes no restrictions on what a test program can send to these two channels; in fact, they are encouraged to print as much useful informa-
     tion as possible to aid in the debugging of test failures.

     Because we have no control over the two standard streams, the
`application/X-atf-tcs' format describes the structure of a third stream, known as the results output, that test programs must generate. (Note that test programs send, by default, the results output to the standard output; use their -r flag to change this whenever you need to parse the data.) This stream is decoupled from the other two and has the following

           TC-STANZA ::= TC-START TC-END
           TC-START ::= 'tc-start' COLON STRING NEWLINE
           TCR ::= 'passed' | ('failed' | 'skipped') COMMA STRING

     The meaning of the constructions above is:

TCS-COUNT Indicates the number of test cases that will be executed.
                  There will be this exact amount of `TC-STANZA' constructions
                  following it.

TC-START Indicates the beginning of a test case. This is accompanied
                  by the test case's name.

TC-END Indicates the completion of a test case. This is accompa-
                  nied by the test case's name, its result and the reason
                  associated with this result (if applicable).

     There are multiple reasons behind this design:

The reader of this format must be able to show real-time progress to
         the user as the test cases are processed.  Therefore, the `TC-START'
         construction tells the reader when a test case has started to process

The reader of this format has to be able to provide useful statistics
         to the user without having to wait for the end of the file.  Hence,
         the existence of the `TCS-COUNT' construction located at the begin-
         ning of the file.

Text-based tools have to be able to easily look for the results of a
         given test case.  This is why the `TC-END' construction duplicate the
         test case name already provided in `TC-START'.

     An example:

           tcs-count: 2
           tc-start: add
           tc-end: add, passed
           tc-start: subtract
           tc-end: subtract, failed, Calculated an unexpected value

Going back to the standard output and standard error streams, the reader has to be able to match the messages in those two streams to the test cases they belong to. To do this, these two streams must print a magic string that separates the output of test cases from each other, which is enough to synchronize their contents with the results output. This string is `__atf_tc_separator__' and it must printed on a line of its own. The last test case should not be followed by this line because the
     end of file marker takes its role.

   Format: application/X-atf-tps, version: 1
The `application/X-atf-tps' format multiplexes the standard output, stan- dard error and results output streams from multiple test programs into a single data file. This format is used by atf-run(1) to report the execu- tion of several test programs and is later parsed by atf-report (1) to
     inform the user of this process.  It has the following grammar:

           TP-END ::= 'tc-end' COLON STRING (COMMA STRING)?
           TC-STANZA ::= TC-START (TC-SO | TC-SE)* TC-END
           TC-START ::= 'tc-start' COLON STRING NEWLINE
           TC-SO ::= 'tc-so' COLON STRING NEWLINE
           TC-SE ::= 'tc-se' COLON STRING NEWLINE
           TCR ::= 'passed' | ('failed' | 'skipped') COMMA STRING

     The meaning of the constructions above is:

TPS-COUNT Indicates the number of test programs that will be executed.
                  There will be this exact amount of `TP-STANZA' constructions
                  following it.

TP-START Indicates the beginning of a test program. This includes
                  the program's name and the amount of test cases that will

     TP-END       Indicates the completion of a test program.  This is fol-
                  lowed by the program's name and, if the program ended prema-
                  turely, an error message indicating the reason of its fail-
                  ure.  A successful execution of a test program (regardless
                  of the status of its test cases) must not be accompanied by
                  any reason.

TC-START Indicates the beginning of a test case. This is accompanied
                  by the test case's name.

TC-SO Contains a text line sent to the standard output stream dur-
                  ing the execution of the test case.

TC-SE Contains a text line sent to the standard error stream dur-
                  ing the execution of the test case.

TC-END Indicates the completion of a test case. This is accompa-
                  nied by the test case's name, its result and the reason
                  associated with this result (if applicable).

     An example:

           tps-count: 2
           tp-start: calculator, 2
           tc-start: add
           tc-end: add, passed
           tc-start: subtract
           tc-so: 3-2 expected to return 1 but got 0
           tc-end: subtract, failed, Calculated an unexpected value
           tp-end: calculator
           tp-start: files, 1
           tc-start: copy
           tc-se: could not find the cp(1) utility
           tc-end: copy, skipped
           tp-end: files


BSD                            September 6, 2007                           BSD
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Julio M. Merino Vidal <>

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