Subject: Re: NetBSD hardware upgrade path?
To: Michael L. Hitch <>
From: Vince LaMonica <>
List: amiga
Date: 02/21/1996 18:03:59
On Mon, 19 Feb 1996, Michael L. Hitch wrote:
> On Feb 18, 9:42pm, Patrick Phalen wrote:
> > It appears that the PPI Mercury board accepts SIMMS, however I don't think
> > it has a bonified MMU, which NetBSD absolutely requires. It appears that
> As far as I know, all the PPI 040 accelerators used a full 040. There
> apparently were a number of chips labeled as 68EC040 used by PPI, but the
> story I've heard (probably forth- or fifth-hand) is that PPI had gotten
> some mis-labeled chips. Those chips were able to use the MMU and FPU
> fine from what I've heard.
This is somewhat true; I just purchased a new PPI Zeus (it was still
wrapped in the static bag and came with warrenty card, etc) and it is
marked as a 68EC040. If you follow the docs, and run Init040 (the newer
version that comes with the board), SysInfo will tell you your MMU is
"Not in use". *But*, if you run AddMem/Set040 (which gives you 512K more
RAM if map KickStart to 32bit RAM), and stop running Init040, then
SysInfo will tell you your MMU is "in use".
I have yet to install NetBSD on my system because of this confusion (and
PPI is long gone, I guess).
Vince LaMonica Microsoft asks you where you want to go. UNIX gets you there.