Subject: NetBSD hardware upgrade path?
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patrick Phalen <>
List: amiga
Date: 02/18/1996 21:42:15
I want to install NetBSD on my A3000 (which requires minimum 4MB CONTIGUOUS
FastRAM) and am trying to figure out the best upgrade path.
I have a 16MHz A3000, 2.04ROM with 2MB ChipRAM and 2MB 16 bit RAM on Zorro.
I haven't used this machine for several years, so I'm *way* out of touch...
Should I:
* Plug in a 25 or 33MHz CPU chip or go for an 040 accelerator?
* Use ZIPS on the motherboard to get up to my 4MB minimum, or add SIMMS
onto an accelerator card? (I have 4MB of 30 pin SIMMS I can pull out of my
GVP A2000 SCSI controller). It seems to me that ZIPs are going at a
premium now and nobody else uses them, so SIMMS maybe a better investment?
NetBSD will not recognize any uncontiguous memory...period.
It appears that the PPI Mercury board accepts SIMMS, however I don't think
it has a bonified MMU, which NetBSD absolutely requires. It appears that
the GVP accelerators used custom SIMMs, so my SIMMs wouldn't work there.
I've spent many hours now trying to sort out the best/most cost effective
way to go and I'm more confused than when I started. Any nice folks out
there who can help with advice?