Subject: Pico...
To: amiga NetBSD <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian McCloskey <>
List: amiga
Date: 02/09/1996 13:01:57
Hello folks. I've now got NetBSD up and running ok and seeing as how I
can not stand the vi editor :) I downloaded the binary for pico. The
only binary I found was for the 1.0 distribution of NetBSD. It works fun
until I exit, in which case whenever I hit enter at the prompt, it
doesn't seem to do a full carriage return. It drops to the next line in
the same column it was at in the line above it. For example...
NetBSD prompt> <-- hitting return at this point yeileds...
NetBSD prompt> <-- and etc....
when I do a ls the listing does the same thing. Anybody have any ideas?
Or know of anywhere I can get the source for pico so that I can compile
it myself if that is the problem? Thanks for any help.
Brian McCloskey