Subject: Re: GVP I/O extender
To: John Vrolijk <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/16/1996 10:34:27
On Jan 16,  1:25pm, John Vrolijk wrote:
> and now I see that my GVP I/O extender is recognized,
> at least it is displayed in the bootmessages (gio at ztwobus or something 
> like that), however
> it says at the end of this line : board not configured. Is/will there be 
> support for 
> the GVP I/O extender ? 

  There is not current support for the GVP I/O extender at this time.

  Someone needs to write a driver for it (which can deal with the I/O
Extender board and the "built-in" I/O on the accelerators).  I've thought
about trying it, but since I have a MultiFaceCard III in my systems, I've
not needed the GVP serial port.


Michael L. Hitch			INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University	Bozeman, MT	USA