Subject: XamigaRetina + 1.1
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Stephen Champion <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/10/1996 14:27:07
Anyone using the XamigaRetina server with 1.1?
I've an A3000/25 with a Retina Z2, and am planing on upgrading
to 1.1 as soon as another drive comes in the mail. I'm wondering
if I'll have any trouble with X after I install 1.1.
Anyone know of another Xserver that works with the Retina,
or where I can get the sources to XamigaRetina? I'd like to be able
to do something about it if the 1.0 compile doesn't work. I'd rather
not have to have 1.0 compat in the kernel, either.
Kick me if it's already on uni-regensburg and friends. I just haven't
been there lately.