Subject: pppd/chat and tty00
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Darren Steven <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/05/1996 14:32:32

I have just got 1.1 up and running, but I am having problems getting pppd
up. I have disabled the tty00 line in /etc/ttys (commented it out)

To start ppp I have a script similar to

/...../pppd /dev/tty00 38400 defaultroute connect 'chat "" +++ATZ OK
sername: myname assword: mypass nexx: ppp'

it starts, launches chat. The modem TR line comes on , but there is NO data
transfer (SD RD lights).

Is it a handshake problem? How do I configure tty00?

BTW This worked fine in NetBSD 1.0 (I don't think I had anything different)

Thanks for your help,

Darren Steven

Australian Maritime College
Information Technology Services Department
Newnham Campus
Launceston, Tasmania, Australia

Phone (003) 35 4842