Subject: Re: setting default shell
To: Karl Stenerud <>
From: Steve Paul <>
List: amiga
Date: 12/26/1995 14:47:11
On Sun, 24 Dec 1995, Karl Stenerud wrote:

> Tcsh is great!  I just love command line history and 
> editing!
> Of course, now I want to set it as the default shell (or at 
> least make it default for xterm)
> How do I do this?

chsh will change the /etc/passwd for your user, but be sure
there is an entry for /bin/tcsh (or wherever you put it) in
the /etc/shells file first.


Steve Paul,  McCue Systems, Inc.               	              Unix/VMS/C/C++ 					       SUN/AMIGA/DEC	  "If at first you don't succeed, redefine success."

Note: The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect
the views of my employer.