Subject: Re: X11R6
To: None <oeolsson@CERF.NET>
From: Per Bojsen <>
List: amiga
Date: 12/15/1995 11:19:18
*** Regarding X11R6; Ola Eric Olsson <> adds:
Ola> I have tried Xcl using the following:
Ola> softlinked Xcl -- "ln -s Xcl X" "setenv PATH
Ola> xxxxxxxxxx:/usr/local/X11R6/bin" xserverrc = X -mono -dev
Ola> /dev/gr03 xscript = #!/bin/sh
X After I enter startx there is a lot of disk activity. I
Ola> am eventually left with a blinking cursor and a frozen system,
Ola> forcing me to warm-boot the computer.
I recently installed NetBSD 1.1 and X11R6 on my A3000 with a 2MB
Piccolo card. I couldn't get -mono to work at all, so I just removed
it after configuring the device driver with a number of suitable modes
using `grfconfig'. In `xserverrc' and `Xscript' the X server should
be invoked as `X -mode <mode> -dev /dev/grf3' where <mode> is the mode
number of the screen mode you want. Note that the device driver is
`/dev/grf3' and not `/dev/gr03' as you wrote (might simply be a typo).
I also found out that the program from `Xcl-tools' that converts EGS
modes to the loadable modes used by `/dev/grf3' is outdated. So to
create your modes you need to experiment to get it right. You can
always check the modes with `grfconfig /dev/grf3' which will dump the
resolution, color depth, and horizontal and vertical refresh
frequencies. The latter should be within the range supported by your
monitor, of course.
Ola> I have tried Xdaniver thus:
Ola> softlinked Xdaniver -- "ln -s Xdaniver X" "setenv PATH
Ola> xxxxxxxxx:/usr/local/X11R6/bin" xserverrc = X -mono xscript = X
I haven't tried `Xdaniver' so I can't help you with this.
Ola> Thanks for patient help, Ola
I hope this helps!
Per Bojsen Email:
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark