Subject: Re: Shell What Shell ?
To: Al Urbaitis <>
From: John Vrolijk <>
List: amiga
Date: 12/13/1995 16:28:52
Hello Al,
>> I am having abit of trouble with the
>> installation of NetBSD1.1
>> Things seem to go all right installing
>> the miniroot.
>> But go to xxx soon after.
>> I used the command
>> loadbsd -I4 -n2 -p netbsd
You should use
loadbsd -I4 -n2 -p -b -netbsd
This specifies 'askboot'. When the kernel is loaded, he will prompt
you for the rootdevice which you should specify as sdn* with the n being
the SCSI id of the disk that contains the miniroot, for example sd2*.
Good luck,
John Vrolijk Phone : +31 (0)161 226454
Unix System Manager E-mail :
Ericsson Data Netherlands
Rijen, The Netherlands