Subject: Sun Unix on 68000
To: None <Amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: < (Christopher Eric Hanson)>
List: amiga
Date: 12/03/1995 15:05:28
In article <> John Shardlow <> writes:
> > Actually, the timeline for Sun was: Sun1 and Sun2 (68000) then Sun3
> > (68020 and a few 030). Then Sun made some i386 boxes. Then Sun4
> > (sparc).
> How did they run Unix on a 68000 processor? Did it have no virtual
> memory? If so maybe old versions of SunOS could run on any Amiga?
Nope. I believe the Sun 68000 boxes had a Sun-proprietary mini-MMU.
Didn't the AT&T 7300 Unix PC have something similar?
> John
> | John Shardlow - |
Chris - Xenon
Chris Hanson | | I've got friends in low latitudes!
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