Subject: Re: Now it works !(Re: Need Help for NetBSD-1.1 Install !)
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ralph Seichter <>
List: amiga
Date: 12/02/1995 12:23:38
On 30.11.95, (Jens Kappe) wrote

> I used "mount -r -t ados /dev/sd1f /mnt/ados" to get in contact with
> my Amiga-Dos Partition. The other mentioned method (using mount_ados)
> has not worked for me. It complies all the time about "read only".

Try "mount_ados -o ro /dev/sd1f /mnt/ados". You must specify the "ro"

	MfG,	Ralph
"Wenn dich jemand fragt ob du ein Gott bist,
 dann antwortest Du: ''JA!''" (Ghostbusters)