Subject: re:Need Help for NetBSD-1.1 Install !
To: None <>
From: kevin (k.) currie <>
List: amiga
Date: 11/30/1995 09:23:00
I've got just about the same problems on my 4000 with Warp Engine 40/40 and
IBM SCSI drive. I previously installed 1.0 and had no problems.
However I also get "mangled entry" messages.
In message "Need Help for NetBSD-1.1 Install !", writes:
> root device> sd0
> then appeared the following output:
> sbicgo: HELP! no bounce allocated for 0
> xfer: (543fbu->721ffb4,20)
> alloc ZII target 0 bounce pa 0x5f0000
> Allocatingo bounce at 5f0000
> warning found rdb->ncylinders(1818) != rdb->highcyl(5508)+1
> warning found rdb->secpercyl(87) != rdb->nsectors(87)*rdb->nheads(4)
> warning lp->d_sparespercyl (261) not multiple of lp->d_ntracks(4)
> 2 mice configured
> 10 views configured
> Enter pathname of shell...
> ...
> Welcome !
> <at this moment i thought, hey maybe it works already at the first time...>
> scanning for the root device
> .
> .
> .
> sbicgo: HELP! no bounce allocated for 6
> xfer: (543534->721f534,20)
> allocZII target 6bounce pa 0x5e0000
> Allocating 6 bounce at 5e0000
> ...root device available: sd0
> Install on sd0
> Initializing/ (root) filesystem and mounting...
> Warning: 1 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated
> /dev/rsd0a: ...
> super-block backups (for fsck-b #) at:
> 32,1520, ....
> ...., .... , ... ,
> ...., 39008, 40496,
> newfs: ioctl (WDINFO): Invalid argument
> newfs: /dev/rsd0a: can't rewrite disklabel
> ffs: /dev/sd0a on /mnt: device busy
> Creating a fstab ...mkdir: /mnt/etc : Read only file system
> //install: cannot create /mnt/etc/fstab: directory noexistent
> Yes, and than it's over !
> The "#" prompt appears, and i could look around. All the installed
> commands work, i could restart the "install"-script with no
> further success. I've looked at the script, but could not figure
> out, what could cause the problem. I know some parts of the
> process which could be the cause, but hope that someone out there
> could point me in the right direction. I would really love to
> get NetBSD running.
| HPUX System Admin |Silicon Valley |
| Ignorance breeds arrogance... | *NORTH* |
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