Subject: Installing and getting X11 to run
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jose Alburquerque <>
List: amiga
Date: 11/22/1995 21:15:28
Hi. I Finally got NetBSD installed on my sytem recently (very happy of
course!) and tried to install X-Windows to get those neat applications to
run. (I'm hoping to get a PPP connection soon, and believe that using
X-Windows will be easier!).
I don't know if it is my system, but when I issue the command startx
(using a the Xmono driver first, and then Xdaniver), it gets as far as
displaying the (X-shaped) mouse pointer, and then seems to go into an
eternal disk accessing loop. Could it be my memory? Also which servers
should I use and how should I install them? I have an Amiga 2000 with a
G-Force 2000 accelerator board (25MHz 68030 with MMU & 68881 FPU), a
total of 7MB of RAM and a Picasso II graphics card. Should my system
take so long to bring X up? (I also have a 530MB Fujitsu HD and a Maxtor
120MB HD attached to my G-Force in case that's important).
I noticed (in the installing instructions) that some links should be made
in the form:
ln -s /usr/local/X11R6/lib /usr/lib/X11
ln -s /usr/local/X11R6/bin /usr/bin/X11
ln -s /usr/local/X11R6/include /usr/include/X11
are these links correct? (The instructions say to make sure that
/usr/lib/X11 have certain files which I don't see when I ls /usr/lib/X11).
One last general question: How do I get my /local partition to be
recognized by NetBSD? It mounts /root and /usr, but I have a 200MB /local
partition on my 530MB Fujitsu that I would like it to take advantage of!