Subject: Disk geometry
To: NetBSD Amiga <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Garth Corral <>
List: amiga
Date: 11/14/1995 08:57:09
Hi all,
Well, last night I set out to install NetBSD-1.0 on an my
(my GF's actually) A3000. The installation was flawless. Kudos to
everyone involved. So far everything seem to work fine.
I do have a couple of questions though; just to satisfy my
curiosity. In order to make this installation possible, I replaced the
stock 52MB Quantum with a Seagate 2.1GB ST32430N. When I partitioned
it I let HDToolBox read the geometry from the drive and it reported the
4016 Cylinders
9 Heads
117 Blocks per track
1045 Blocks per cylinder
The documentation (if you can call it that) for the drive lists the
geometry as:
3992 Cylinders
9 Head
116 Sectors per track
This didn't alarm me as I've seen similar things before and disk
manufacturer's docs are pretty crappy these days anyway. When NetBSD
probes the drive though, it reports these values rather than the ones
reported by HDToolBox (and used to partition the drive). I've been
running NetBSD/i386 since the days of 0.8 but I know next to nothing
about Amigas. Anyone out there have any idea what the reason for this
discrepancy might be. Should I have partitioned with these?
Also, there are two warnings during boot that may or may not be
related. They are as follows:
warning found rdb->secpercyl(1045) != rdb->nsectors(117) * rdb->nheads(9)
warning lp->d_sparespercyl(8) not multiple of lp->d_ntracks(9)
Do I need to repartition this and start over. As I've said,
everything seems to be working fine but I'd rather do this now than start
installing software packages only to find out that one of my partitions
is running off the end of the disk or something.
Oh yeah, one more thing. What are all the warnings about the bad
date in the battery backed clock?
Thanks in advance,