Subject: Re: No history - No TAB - No cut&paste
To: NetBSD Amiga <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: amiga
Date: 11/07/1995 20:19:22
Hi Baldassare,
you wrote in <v01530502acc516d69f7b@[]>:
> How can I get the history on command line? (cursor keys returns some
> characters).
Download and compile "tcsh-6.05.tar.gz", copy it to "/usr/local/bin/tcsh",
add "/usr/local/bin/tcsh" to "/etc/shells" and use "chsh" to activate it
as your login shell.
> Is there a way to complete commands with TAB?
"tcsh" can do this.
> Is there a way to cut&paste with mouse on terminal?
Matthias Scheler