Subject: 1.0 Installation problems
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Baldassare Profeta <>
List: amiga
Date: 11/04/1995 18:51:07
I'v got some problems while installing 1.0 distribution on my A3000.
Here is the trouble:
choices: sd0
which drive do you want /usr on?
You have selected sd0
here is a list of partitions on sd0
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 32040 547884 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 1026 - 1085)
d: 41118 1068 ADOS # (Cyl. 2 - 78)
e: 25098 42186 ADOS # (Cyl. 79 - 125)
f: 22428 67284 ADOS # (Cyl. 126 - 167)
g: 21894 89712 ADOS # (Cyl. 168 - 208)
h: 333750 111606 ADOS # (Cyl. 209 - 833)
i: 102528 445356 ADOS # (Cyl. 834 - 1025)
j: 206124 614634 4.2BSD 1024 8192 0 # (Cyl. 1151 - 1536)
k: 245106 820758 4.2BSD 1024 8192 0 # (Cyl. 1537 - 1995)
which partition would you like to format and have
mounted as /usr? (supply the letter): j
Initializing /usr filesystem, and mounting...
newfs: /dev/rsd0j: can't figure out file system partition
/dev/sd0j on /mnt/usr: Incorrect super block.
Adding to sftab... done.
after that he goes on as everithings where ok.
My configuration:
Amiga 3000, 4MB Zip on board, 4MB SIMM on DKB3128 (zthree...),
HD Conner 545MB SCSI-II, Picasso II
As you can see from my report my HD has 6 ADOS partition (3.1, 3.0, 2.1, 2.0,
[...yes, I was an ex-amiga developer sigh :( ], Tools, Data), 4 BSD
partitions (root [16 mb], swap [16 mb ...does not apper in the list], user
[100 mb], local [116 mb] ).
I build the partitions folowing the docs. I don't think to have made a
mistake here, as you can see NetBSD recognize them as 4.2BSD.
What do you think about it?
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