Subject: Reporting problems
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alain Chofardet <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/24/1995 23:47:00
Hi, all.
I've tried to install NetBSD on a friend's machine. I ran into many problems : the machine was often hanging up without reason. I suspect 4MB of RAM to be less than needed. Is it right ?
Though it shouldn't crash, even in a low memory case. Is this a bug ?
The system was :
in a first time NetBSD 1.0 from Gateway CDROM (Thanks, Markus).
in a second time : own built kernel (950902 sources) and bin distrib (950702).
I experienced the same problems in the 2 cases. Notice that the 950902 kernel works perfectly on my machine.
The machine :
A2000 GVP Combo 322 4Mo fast (+1 chip)
Picasso 2 2MB
SCSI chain sould be like this (not sure) :
6 (tried 1 also) : Syquest 44Mo SCSI1
5 : Apple CD300e+
4 : Quamtum LPS 730
3 : Quantum ELS 170
I got SCSI hang up also with the Syquest and on the ELS 170. The messages were respectively :
1) sbicwait TIMEO @972 with asr=x0 csr=x85
2) sbicwait TIMEO @972 with asr=x20 csr=xFF
Alain Chofardet
Another brick in the wall
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