Subject: Retina Z3 graphics problem
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Erik Stenerud <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/13/1995 21:04:06
On some programs, such as xman and knews, the buttons and most of the text
display comes out with the foreground and background both being black.
Naturally this results in black bars, not very useful.

Has anyone else had this problem?  Anyone know what might cause it?

My system:
A3k, 8 meg ram, RetinaZ3 w/ 4 meg, NetBSD 1.0a, X11R6 pl 12 (newest from
regensburg), Xamiga24 (newest from regensburg).

I had this problem with the old binaries and was hoping that the problem
might be fixed in this one.

I have recompiled the kernel to turn off the speed hack, which solves some
of the problems, but not this one.