Subject: 950912 snapshot and problems
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon J DeBoer <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/04/1995 11:03:11
I have downloaded and installed the 950912 snapshot that can be found on
uni-regensburg, I have been using 1.0 for awhile now and I hope that I
have not forgotten to do something simple but I am having a few problems.
So I have a number of problems/questions...(I have an A3000 with a GVP
scsi/mem board, 4M zips + 4M simms on GVP)
-- One of my hard drives gets configured 10 times during. (I don't
need it for NetBSD so I have removed it...but it would be nice to know
why it does that)
-- While doing the fsck on my root drive (525M Quantum Lightning) I get
a message something like 'sbic ... bounce' with some other information
-- pstat is not able to allocate memory...But upon further investigation
I descovered it could. What it did not do was address the proper part of
the KVM library. I assume this would be fixed with a recompile of pstat,
but I figured I should put it in here.
-- On my amiga side the loadbsd-2.10 is not recognized as an
executable. I do not have a compiler on the Amiga side so cannot
recompile my own copy. (I haven't looked into cross compiling
netbsd-amigaos, but I assume it is possible)
-- pppd will call up my host and chat will go through the connect but it
never seems to decide what my dynamically allocated address is.
-- Using the old pppd (from -1.0) connects and I get my address, but I
cannot do anything with it. Everything responds with 'network down'.
There last two are the reason I cannot give exact quotes of what the
errors are because I am using the Amiga side not NetBSD.
Any help would be appreciated,