Subject: Re: Chat doesn't work!
To: Eduardo E. Horvath <>
From: Chris A. Mattingly <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/03/1995 12:49:40
Eduardo E. Horvath wrote the following about "Re: Chat doesn't work!" on Tue Oct 3 11:57:26 1995
> On Mon, 2 Oct 1995, Chris A. Mattingly wrote:
> > Chat doesn't work _right_ for me. I can make it dial the number, it'll
> > send my login id, send the password, then it's like it stop serial input or
> > something. If I kill off chat, and start up kermit, all I have to do is
> > hit return, and i'm logged in. (I can hit a space, then return, to
> > verify that it did send my_passwd, and a carriage return).
> >
> > Here's my chat script:
> >
> > "" "+\p+\p+\d"
> > TIMEOUT 60
> > OK ATDT5153407
> > CONNECT ""
> > "ogin: " "\p[user name]"
> > "ssword:" "\q[your passwd]"
> Try sticking a \r at the end of the password. \q may prevent chat from
> sending a CR.
I tried that already. I know that it is sending the password, AND
the carriage return. (Hence why when i start up kermit, I can send anything
and still get logged in. If it were still sitting at the Password: prompt,
then I would get a login incorrect after hitting <TAB> then return.)
> > TIMEOUT 45
> > "unity%" "/local/bin/pppd && logout"
> >
> > So what's wrong with it, and also, why will it not log _anything_ to
> > syslog like it's supposed to?
> Chat sends it's output to syslog as local2. You need to modify your
> syslog.conf to send local2.* somewhere, most likely the console.
Will try that...
Chris Mattingly | My views are not necessarily those of my employers |
| "Good programmers write good code; great programmers
| 'borrow' good code." -- Mike Gancarz