Subject: mgetty+dip Problem
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Dages <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/29/1995 23:39:00
I have some problems to run mgetty and bsddip on my NetBSD-amiga (current
06/95) !
It's possible that bsddip uses incorrect lock file mechanism that mgetty did
not understand ?? On every time dip get the device, reset the modem, mgetty
recognize this and kill the lockfile made by dip. So I have compared the lock
file routines of the two programs and solved this problem by made some small
changes in the locking mechanism of bsddip. Like in mgetty, I've write the pid
into the lockfile of dip and the problem was solved, mgetty now accept the
lockfile of dip.
But now, if ever dip has called up my slip account and made the connection
complete I'll be back on the shell prompt. A few seconds later the modem hangs
up, because mgetty has initialize this. dip recognize the carrier-lost and try
to dialup again, but this fails because mgetty has locked the line that time.
It looks like dip looses the lockfile if connection was complete....
So, and now my question:
Anyone out there to help me on this ??
If yes, please help, send me patches, diffs, faq's, some warm words or
something other that helps me to work with mgetty and bsddip on the same line.
Best regards,
Paradise News Systems - Markus `paradise` Dages /
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