Subject: port-amiga/1537: ite forgets keymap on reinit and resets to builtin
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Blaz Zupan <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/29/1995 12:05:57
>>Category: port-amiga
>>Synopsis: ite forgets keymap on reinit and resets to builtin default
> When the ite part of a console is reinited due to a GRFIOCOFF, the
> keymap is reset to the builtin default. The keymap set with loadkmap
> is forgotten.
Not only the keymap, but also all the terminal settings. If I have
the keypad in application mode and go to X, after I quit out of X
the keypad is not in application mode (I can see this because the
PF1, PF2, ... keys don't work in JED).
> Workaround: Do a loadkmap each time you exit the X server?
> Should it be the X servers responsibility to restore the keymap which was
> previously loaded (there is a ITEIOCGKMAP as well)?
I don't think so.
> Else the ite.c should be changed to save/restore the keymap around reinit
> events.
I think it should also save all the other settings of the terminal
and not just loose them.
Blaz Zupan, Ljubljanska 19/b, 62000 Maribor, Slovenia,