Subject: Re: netbsd speed on Amiga
To: michel beausejour <>
From: Calvin <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/24/1995 19:23:53
On Sun, 24 Sep 1995, michel beausejour wrote:
> NetBSD FreeBSD 2.0.5
> A3000 2meg chip/8megsFAST Dell 486Dx33 12megs (70ns)
> A3000 (040) running amigados povray said that it took 12mins to render
> A3000 (040) running NetBSD-current " " " "" " "" " " "" " ""18mins to render
> Dell 486DX33 running FreeBSD-2.0.5 9mins to render
I have two guesses on this: Povray is a memory hog, and is dependent
more on fast available memory than on a fast processor at times.
1) If Povray is causing a lot of swap activity, then the disk controller
definitely becomes a factor in this. Under AmigaDOS povray won't be able
to cause a swap condition of any kind.
2) The Dell can access all 12 of its megs in a fast continguous manner...
3) The NetBSD kernel on the 3000 resides in chip memory, which may result
in a slight slowdown in system calls ? ...
People, correct me if I'm wrong. These are hypotheses.
o/ \o/ o <o o o o She walks in beauty, like the night
<| | /|\ |> <|><|> <|\ Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
/| / \ /| / \ // \\ / \ And all that's best of dark and bright
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Meet in her aspect and her eyes. (Byron)