Subject: Re: X on Spectrum
To: amiga <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jody Fanning <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/24/1995 00:29:36
In <> Bernd Ernesti did say:
>On Sun Sep 17 22:20:22 1995, Jody Fanning wrote:
>> Thanks to those who replied to me about running X on the Spectrum.
>> It works great after doing the mknod grf3 :-) The only thing now is to get
>> it to change screen modes? If I change the mode in the .xserverrc the
>> display breaks up.
>> Someone mentioned that the Xcl server was faster than Xamiga24. What modes
>> does it support (are they the same as Xamiga24)?
>NO, you misunderstand me. The modes in Xamiga24 come from the kernel, BUT
>grf_cl in NetBSD-current needs an extra prgramm to tell the Xserver this
>Why do I write readme's so that noone read them ?
I haven't seen any readme files anywhere to actually read and I have gotten
anything I thought was relevant from
>> Anything else I should know about it before I get a copy?
>Read the extra readme for grfconfig.
I also haven't seen grfconfig anywhere either, nor can I find it.
Jody Fanning | Excerpts from the notebooks of Lazarus Long
Dunedin, New Zealand | - "Always store beer in a dark place"
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