Subject: X on Spectrum
To: amiga <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jody Fanning <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/18/1995 08:20:22
Thanks to those who replied to me about running X on the Spectrum.
It works great after doing the mknod grf3 :-) The only thing now is to get it
to change screen modes? If I change the mode in the .xserverrc the display
breaks up.
Someone mentioned that the Xcl server was faster than Xamiga24. What modes
does it support (are they the same as Xamiga24)? Anything else I should know
about it before I get a copy?
Jody Fanning | Excerpts from the notebooks of Lazarus Long | - "Always store beer in a dark place"
Dunedin, New Zealand |