Subject: Re: mount_cd9660
To: Neville Duguid <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/13/1995 11:43:03
On Aug 29, 2:53pm, Neville Duguid wrote:
> Does anyone know why the command
> # mount_cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0a /cdrom
> always replies:
> mount_cd9660: Invalid argument
> (yes, there is a /cdrom directory in my boot partition)
> a: 1267340 0 ISO-9660 # ( Cyl. 0-12673*)
> block size 0
> super block size 0
> partition a: partition extends past end of unit.
> Has anyone else struck this problem? I have an A1200 with
> internal IDE for the Hard Drive and 12-Gauge (CSA) SCSI
> for the CDROM.
There's the problem: the 12-Gauge driver has a bug when doing pseudo-DMA
transfers. If you use binpatch to set _sci_no_dma to a non-zero value,
that may fix your problem.