Subject: Re: Installing New Kernel
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <is@Beverly.Rhein.DE>
List: amiga
Date: 09/12/1995 20:33:16
Jack Whitehead ( wrote:
: This is my first question to the group; please have mercy.
granted. :-)
: Do I need to use the new kernel with loadbsd to boot it ?
: If so, how do I get it to the AmigaDOS partition ?
Boot AmigaOS, mount your NetBSD root partition using bffs-1.4 or higher
(from AmiNET) and copy it over. Or even boot from the bffs-mounted
NetBSD root partitions copy of /netbsd. I do that all the time.
: If not, how do I get it loaded ?
see above.