Subject: Re: Installing New Kernel
To: Jack Whitehead <>
From: Darren Steven <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/12/1995 09:44:08
At 01:02 PM 11/09/95 -0600, you wrote:
>This is my first question to the group; please have mercy.
>I have installed NetBSD-1.0 and have created a new kernel as per the FAQ.
>I guess my questions are:
>Do I need to use the new kernel with loadbsd to boot it ?
yes, sort of (see later)
>If so, how do I get it to the AmigaDOS partition ?
>If not, how do I get it loaded ?
>Is there a FAQ that addresses these issues that I should download ?
>Thanks for your patience... Jack
Hi Jack,
I had the same problem (I also use NetBSD 1.0, from Meeting Pearls II CD).
What you need to do is use BFF file system (available at all good NetBSD
stores), which will allow you to mount your NetBSD partitions under
AmigaDOS. You can then copy from the BSD partition to ADOS to allow 'loadbsd
yourkernel' to work.
I have heard that BFFS should be only used read-only (don't write to it). I
don't know if its true, but its better to be safe than sorry.
An alternative/additional method (to avoid a complete halt/reboot
ados/copy/start BSD) is to reboot within NetBSD. There is a device called
/dev/reboot, and a reboot with the kernel of your choice can be accompished by:
cp /netbsd /dev/reboot
This restarts BSD directly using that kernel image. /netbsd is your new
kernel, which is copied to /netbsd.
I don't know when it is safe to do this, as it seems fairly abrupt compared
to halt/ctrl-amiga-amiga. I usuallly have shut down all I can when I do it.
Maybe going back to single user mode would be best (kill -TERM 1, as root).
I hope this helps (and doesn't blow up),
Please investigate these methods further before trying them. I am new to
NetBSD as well, I would hate my advice to trash your system. Perhaps someone
with more experience could comment.
Darren Steven
Australian Maritime College
Information Technology Services Department
Newnham Campus
Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Phone (003) 35 4842