Subject: Re: mount_cd9660...
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: T H Pineapple <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/04/1995 20:53:00
<This is supposed to follow the thread, if you see what I mean....>
On the subject of CD-ROM drives, is there any news on last unit
number usage in the kernel SCSI code for -current? <We've a
Nakamichi MBR7 7-CD jukebox that uses LUNs to change CDs, and it'd be
nice to have it on the fileserver for NFS ;->
Someone on IRC:#netbsd mentioned that according to the A3k-GENERIC
kernel source for v1.0, the lower level of the SCSI driver (sbic) can
support LUNs but hasn't had them implemented, because the upper level
(ahsc) of drivers hasn't got them in as yet. On the A3k <my server
box> the Western Digital SCSI chip <internal A3k SCSI bus> supports
LUNs just fine <the Amiga side can mount and juggle CDs perfectly>,
so logically it's just a case of rolling it into the kernel somehow.
Disc 0 of the jukebox can be mounted fine under NetBSD, so there
isn't any problems with NetBSD recognising the device either.
According to a friendly unix.god, LUN use is now in other -current
platforms - any signs of it filtering thru to Amiga yet? Anybody
else tried mounting LUN-using devices with BSD-Amiga? <If not for
-current, perhaps for 1.1 when it evolves?>
<I'd have a go at hacking 1.0 myself, apart from the following:
<1> Not knowing what the hell I'm doing with heavy C code.
<2> Not knowing what the hell I'm doing with heavy C code.
<3> Not wanting to risk losing the entire Photogenics source which
is being served off the box to the rest of the office...
<Thanks to all on the ethernet question. is now toast ;->